If you’ve ever configured Webpack, Parcel will blow your mind!

And how to hit the ground running with Parcel.

Ibrahim Butt
5 min readMar 16, 2018

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In this post I will walk you through using Parcel, with Pug, Sass, Babel and PostCSS. With some comparisons to Webpack, as its the most popular module bundler.

The problem with Webpack is its configuration. It’s a nightmare. And I don’t know about you, but I don’t like nightmares. I prefer getting things done and not losing my mind in the process.

Zero Configuration: Webpack Vs Parcel


Version 4 is ‘zero-config’.


It’s zero-config in two ways:

  1. You no longer have to specify an entry and output point.
  2. Its production mode includes minification, scope hoisting, and tree-shaking.

Realistically, you’ll need a webpack.config.js for most projects.

Edit: @TheLarkInn left a response to this article and enligtened me with what zero-config means to Webpack:

